
Robotics program becomes new youth pull for Lowcountry church

A love for LEGOs has turned into a fruitful ministry for Manning UMC, bringing new members to their youth group and an exciting and innovative way to share values of Christian fellowship with young people. By Jessica Brodie.

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Clothes for the taking

After strife in Haiti grounds planes, women seek other groups to help share “pillowcase clothes” with kids in need. By Jessica Brodie.

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Responding to God’s call

God is not silent and never has been, and all of us who believe can hear him at some point or another. The question becomes: What do we do when we hear God’s call? By Jessica Brodie.

The Advocate Press Resources & Books

Raise Your Ebenezer

From Dr. Ted Goshorn comes this compelling field guide for what it means to cultivate hope, resilience, and authenticity through the most difficult seasons of life.


Roger Gramling shares his memoir of a life serving the church—a ministry that brought him into close contact with unusual, extraordinary individuals who helped shape the denomination in remarkable ways.

From the Vault

Here, archivist Dr. Phillip Stone invites you into the fascinating world of the people, places, and institutions that make up the great history of South Carolina United Methodism.

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