Advertise in the Advocate
Reach United Methodists across South Carolina in an easy and affordable way by advertising your business, event, book, ministry, etc. in the Advocate.
Let us help you: 888-678-6272 ext. 338 or [email protected] or [email protected].
Quick facts
Oldest newspaper in Methodism (founded 1836, continuously published since 1837)
Winner of 126 journalism excellence awards from the United Methodist Association of Communicators, South Carolina Press Association and Religion Communicators Council
Estimated print readership of 50,000/month
Website traffic about 10K/month
Cost is $19/column inch for display and classified advertising
Spot color $50 extra, or $200 extra full color
Advocate design services are free, or send us camera-ready ads
Discounts for 12-, 6- and 3-month contracts are available
All South Carolina-based Methodist organizations receive an additional 5 percent discount
Discounts on web ads with print contracts
About the Advocate
The Advocate is the award-winning newspaper of the people of The United Methodist Church in South Carolina. In 2023, generous United Methodists contributed $14.6 million to United Methodist ministries here in this state, in addition to gifts to other charities, community needs and political campaigns. The United Methodist Church provides a multicultural market, with African Americans comprising 20 percent, plus Latinos, Native Americans and more. Youth make up 20 percent. Delivered monthly to thousands of subscribers and pastors, the Advocate has an estimated total readership of 50,000. In continuous publication since 1837, it boasts a fresh look and voice for today’s vibrant church. It has won more than 126 state and national awards for writing, photography and excellence since 2010.
Display and classified advertising is only $19 per column inch—a fraction of the rates usually charged by similar-sized newspapers.
Spot-color $50 extra each color, or full-color an extra $200.
Back page or center spread guaranteed: add $35, plus any charges for spot-color or full-color.
Advocate design services are free with adequate lead-time, or send us camera-ready ads.
Discounts available:
15% on contracts for 10-12 months
10% on contracts for 6-9 months
5% on contracts for 3-6 months
Additional 5% for South Carolina-based Methodist organizations
Most popular sizes:
Full-page (4 col x 15.875″) $1,206.50
Half page (4 col x 7.65”) $600.40
Quarter page (2 col x 7.69”) $300.20
Eighth page (2 col x 3.84”) $146.93
Classified ad (1 col x 2”) $38
Website ads
Top banner (728x90px): $99/month ($90/month with print contract)
Side box (327×181 px): $50/month ($40/month with print contract)
Print inserts
$65/K single sheet
$75/K 2- to 8-page tab
$85/K 12- to 16-page tab
Inserts must be on 30 lb. paper (10.5”x15.5” maximum, 8.5”x11” minimum) and shipped to or with the Advocate’s printer seven business days before printing.
All bills due on receipt. Tear sheets available.
The 10th of each month for the following month’s paper (e.g. Aug. 10 for the September paper). Note: Early deadline for July paper only is June 1.
Technical specs
Inside pages are four columns wide
1-column width 2.46″
2-column width 5.09″
3-column width 7.71″
4-column width 10.35″
Classifieds are a 3-column format (3.35″ wide per column)
Vertical maximum is 15.875″ and vertical minimum is 1″
The Advocate accepts advertisements from most companies or groups. The editor and publishers reserve the right to refuse advertisements that do not meet printing standards or would go against United Methodist policies/principles. It does not permit paid political candidate/issue advertisements.
Let us help you: 888-678-6272 ext. 338 or [email protected] or [email protected].