AC goes virtual, again
Continuing pandemic concerns prompt 2021 Annual Conference to convene virtually June 6-7
The 2021 South Carolina Annual Conference will convene June 6-7 as an all-virtual session to ensure the health and safety of lay and clergy members amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.
The theme for AC2021 is “Seeking A More Excellent Way—Taking the Next Faithful Step.”
“South Carolina United Methodists, thanks to your faithful dedication to building up the kingdom and an ever-strengthening bond between clergy and laity, you have accomplished so much for the sake of Christ during quite an exceptional year of ministry amid unprecedented challenges,” said Resident Bishop L. Jonathan Holston. “We are looking forward to celebrating the visionary and innovative ways that you have taken the next faithful step to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
“And although we will not be gathering in person for Annual Conference once again, we know from our experiences over the past year that making virtual connections still allows us to do more together than we could ever accomplish apart.”
media partner, will host the virtual gathering and help coordinate participation via Zoom video conferencing and voting on a separate, secure platform. In the spirit of transparency, Annual Conference is traditionally open to the public. AC2021 will be live-streamed so anyone can observe the proceedings online.
The Florence District and Cumberland United Methodist Church in Florence will play host to AC2021 at the Florence Center, where in-person attendance will be limited strictly to those who must be onsite to conduct the business of the Annual Conference.
Conference planners have established a broad schedule for the session:
Sunday, June 6:
- 1 p.m. Clergy Session
- 7 p.m. Service for Ordination and Commissioning
- Will include recognition of retiring clergy
- Offering will go to Board of Ordained Ministry Scholarships
Monday, June 7
- 10 a.m. Annual Conference Session begins
- 7 p.m. Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving
The Committee on the Annual Conference and other planners are still finalizing many details, including registration for lay and clergy members and detailed information about how they will engage to accomplish the business of the Annual Conference.
All members are encouraged to participate in one of two virtual training sessions scheduled for 6 p.m. June 1 and 9 a.m. June 7.
Information about voting and participating in this virtual forum will be shared as it becomes final at