AC2020 reminds body of extension of quadrennial positions
By Allison Trussell
COLUMBIA—Election of quadrennium conference officers—secretary, treasurer and statistician, parliamentarian and chancellor—are typically held every four years during the Annual Conference following General Conference.
As reported in the July Advocate, the 2016 quadrennium has been extended by the Council of Bishops because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, thus affecting the conference officers as well as board members whose term of office ends in 2020.
The Book of Discipline defines the term quadrennium as “the four-year period beginning January 1 following the adjournment of the regular session of General Conference” (Para. 721.2).
The Rev. Kenneth L. Nelson, conference secretary, reminded the conference that the 2020 General Conference was postponed until August 2021 and that annual conferences should see the current quadrennium as extended until Jan. 1, 2022.
“This means that current quadrennial positions, offices and officers should be maintained until their successors are elected in 2021 with their terms starting when the new quadrennial period begins,” Nelson said.
Bishop Jonathan Holston then removed the nomination and election of conference secretary from the Annual Conference agenda since all quadrennial personnel will remain in place until the new quadrennium.
The current slate of conference officers is secretary, Nelson; treasurer and statistician, Elizbeth Westbury; parliamentarian, the Rev. W. Timothy McClendon; and chancellor, Kay G. Crowe.