Advocate offers scholarship for student at UM college; deadline 3/1/20
The South Carolina United Methodist Advocate invites applications for a $1,000 scholarship for South Carolina United Methodist students who are planning to enroll or are already enrolled at one of the four United Methodist colleges in South Carolina: Claflin University, Columbia College, Spartanburg Methodist College or Wofford College.
The scholarship is available to South Carolina United Methodist students with an interest in communications, journalism or business.
Applications for the scholarship are due March 1, 2020, and should be submitted to Jessica Brodie, editor of the Advocate, via email or postal mail.
The application will include the following:
- A letter of application to address the applicant’s background, how the scholarship would help him or her in pursuing a college degree, and their view of the role of journalism in ministry. If there is a specific financial need, it should be specified in the letter of application.
- A college transcript (or a high school transcript if the applicant is a rising freshman)
- A letter from the senior pastor of the applicant’s home church or a college chaplain confirming that the applicant is a United Methodist and describing the applicant’s participation and contributions to the church or to campus ministry.
Send letter of application ad other items to [email protected] or mail to Advocate, Attn: Scholarship, 4908 Colonial Dr., Columbia, SC 29203.