Advocate wins five more journalism awards
The Advocate has earned five more journalism awards ”three for writing and two for photography ”from the S.C. Press Association. {mosimage}The Advocate has earned five more journalism awards ”three for writing and two for photography ”from the S.C. Press Association.
Advocate Editor Jessica Connor won first place in faith reporting for Dunean Becomes First Reconciling UMC in S.C. , which ran in the Advocate s January 2013 edition; second place in faith reporting for Modern-Day Circuit Riders , which ran in the September 2013 edition; and second place editorial/op-ed writing, Moving Forward Together , which ran in the August 2013 edition.
Matt Brodie won second place for Best Published Photograph for his photo Hand in Hand, which ran in the October 2013 Advocate, and honorable mention for Revolution, which ran in the April 2013 edition.
The awards were given out March 22 at the press association s annual meeting and awards gala in Columbia.
This makes 50 awards the Advocate has won in the last four years for journalistic excellence.
The awards reveal the effectiveness of the Advocate s ministry in our conference and beyond, said the Rev. Angela Ford Nelson, Advocate board chair, thanking the Advocate team for continuing to lead the way in journalistic excellence. Most importantly, the gifts that the award-winning Advocate staff members bring to their work helps to further our church s mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Competition in the Advocate s division included the S.C. Policy Council, SCBIZ, the Murrells Inlet Messenger, The Catholic Miscellany and the Charleston Regional Business Journal, among many others.