Advocate Awareness Sunday is May 19, 2024
This spring, the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate will hold its annual Advocate Awareness Sunday, an effort to introduce United Methodists across South Carolina to the newspaper ministry.
This year’s Advocate Awareness Sunday is May 19, 2024.
The Advocate has a number of items for churches and others to share, including talking points, bulletin inserts, a video and more.
“The Advocate is a great way to help churches be connectional and know what is going on in the denominations across the state, but not everyone knows about the Advocate,” said Editor Jessica Brodie. “We hope our readers will do what they can to spread the word so our newspaper continues to thrive for future generations.”
Founded as the Southern Christian Advocate, the Advocate was first commissioned by the General Conference of 1836 to be published in Charleston, one of three papers authorized by that conference.
Highly respected across the denomination, it is currently the oldest newspaper in Methodism and has won 126 journalism excellence awards in the last decade.
The Advocate is the voice of the people of The United Methodist Church in South Carolina, transparently sharing news of relevance to people of faith around advancing knowledge, spiritual growth and discipleship. Its mission is to inform and connect South Carolina United Methodists by independently reporting relevant news, engaging readers, providing a forum for dialogue and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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