
Bold works for Christ

By Jessica Connor

I am consistently heartened when I learn about — and get the opportunity to write about — people who are doing novel and extraordinary things for the Kingdom.

A lot of times, they don't think they're doing so much. I'm just knitting, a woman will tell me, her head tucked shyly; yet to the homeless veteran who wears the soft gloves that her hands lovingly crafted, her skill means the difference between a cruel night and comfort.

Take a look at this month s Advocate, and you ll find a wealth of examples. A man called to grow the Kingdom by starting a motorcycle ministry. A woman who spends hours in the hottest months of the year picking blueberries, then donating every penny to ministry. Mission workers who risk their lives in a gang-ridden South American city to build some people a church.

These folks are doing great works for the Lord. They re using the gifts He gave them, whether talent with a needle and thread or the sharp-eyed skill of a carpenter, to do things: make prayer shawls for cancer patients, sew pillowcase dresses for kids in Haiti, build wheelchair ramps for disabled elderly, write letters to legislators, feed the hungry, clothe the poor.

God has given us gifts, and sometimes, we cannot even recognize them.

I pray each of us will open our hearts and be inspired by some of the stories in this month s edition. Then, so inspired, take a good look at some of our blessings and think about whether we can use them in a way that can not only provide for our families or create a fun diversion in our spare time, but to help strengthen and increase God s Kingdom.

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