Can I God-size that?
By Jessica Connor
Suddenly, that's all I'm hearing: God-sized vision. God-sized dream. God-sized goal. God-sized reality. God-sized worship. Popularized by Bishop Jonathan Holston, the phrase was repeated everywhere at Annual Conference—in conversation, on the stage, on the floor, in the Twittersphere.
And I've got to say, the phrase really works.
I mean, how big is God? Infinite. Massive. Awesome. (Insert favorite adjective here.) When I use the phrase God-sized, there s no question I m talking about bigger than anyone can possibly imagine. There s no question I m stepping out on faith, and expecting in that same faith for it to be so.
It doesn t matter what I m talking about: boosting the numbers of men gathered for a United Methodist Men Retreat. Getting 92 percent of United Methodist churches in South Carolina to pay their apportionments. Filling the Florence Civic Center with thousands of youth and adults, all to worship God.
God-sized. Bigger than big. The impossible dream made possible. All because of Him.
So as I prepare to send this edition of the Advocate to press, 24 hours after returning from Annual Conference, I m doing my own Advocate God-sized dreaming. I m imagining the impossible made possible: What if our newspaper could be read by every single United Methodist in our state? What would it be like if not just the 50,000 but 250,000 read about the work of Jesus through the hands and feet of His people across South Carolina?
Try it yourself: What would it be like if your church jumped from 200 members to 2,000? What if your backpack ministry fed not just eight schools but 800? Keep going.
Can I God-size that?