ChristWalkers: reaching the unchurched
The South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church has started a fresh expression ministry in the Rock Hill District known as ChristWalkers’ Ministries.
ChristWalkers celebrated its community launch Aug. 6 at the Wal-Mart in Indian Land with high success, meeting several hundred of their neighbors and generating requests for followup from 30 families.
ChristWalkers seeks to reach the 60 percent of their neighbors who will never enter a traditional church building. One reason for this rejection of traditional church is a disheartenment with organized religion. ChristWalkers goal is to “do church” differently—not by gathering in a building on Sundays, but forming groups who do life together. ChristWalkers meets people where they are, not where others think they should be.
Additionally, because Jesus prayed that we “might be one” (John 17:21), ChristWalkers is partnering with any local congregation and seeking to unite churches to fulfill Christ’s prayer. While ChristWalkers is a United Methodist ministry, they are intentionally inviting anyone to join them no matter the denomination. You’re in before you’re out, they say.
Within the upcoming months, ChristWalkers will be launching a nonprofit counseling network known as Chaplains on Call. Through this ministry, they will provide churches and pastors with a vetted, affordable referral network of licensed, trained counselors, therapists and psychologists, plus provide free counseling to pastors. Chaplains on Call is beginning a continuing professional education program in the Rock Hill area.
ChristWalkers is led by the Rev. Brandon Candee, an ordained elder in the UMC and an Army National Guard chaplain, and the Rev. Dr. Burnie Perry, an ordained Southern Baptist and Hospice clinical chaplain.
To find out more: www.christwalkers.org or 888-744-5248.