Crocker to be first certified lay minister in S.C. Conference
Annie R. Crocker, director of Lay Servant Ministries in Spartanburg, continues to press forward, drawing attention to and encouraging others to follow in her footsteps as she strives to complete the certification.
Crocker is on track to become the first certified lay minister in the South Carolina Conference.
In June 2017, Crocker completed the last of the four modules and all the necessary paperwork, and on May 21, she met with the Spartanburg District Committee on Ordained Ministries to make her profession and answer the questions they had for her. The committee gave their unanimous approval and recommended that she go forth as the district’s first certified lay minister.
This determination has been passed on to Clergy Services and to the conference director of Lay Servant Ministry for information, approval and whatever final processes are needed.
In the meantime, Crocker says she is very humbled and very thankful that God has opened this avenue to continue to grow in her service to Him. She desires to continue to share God’s word, teach, preach and lead, all while helping others come to know, love and trust the Lord as she does.
She is especially thankful God chose her to be a forerunner to pave the way for other interested lay servants to come along beside her and walk the path to becoming a certified lay minister.