Annual Conference chooses representatives to 2012 General, Jurisdictional conferences
By Allison Trussell
FLORENCE – Members of the 2011 Annual Conference elected nine clergy and nine laity as delegates to the 2012 General Conference during the five-day event. An additional nine clergy and nine laity were elected to join the General Conference delegates at the 2012 Jurisdictional Conference.
Elected on the first General Conference ballot were Joseph Heyward, conference lay leader, with 337 votes, and Carolyn Briscoe, a member of Clemson United Methodist Church, Clemson, with 332 votes.
With 271 votes, the Rev. Tim McClendon was elected on the first General Conference ballot for the clergy.
Traditionally, the first person elected serves as leader of the delegation and alternates between the clergy and laity. In 2008, McClendon led the delegation; it is expected that Heyward will lead the 2012 delegation.
The laity completed their General Conference ballot by Thursday afternoon, with results read Friday morning, and finished electing Jurisdictional Conference delegates by Saturday afternoon.
The clergy completed their General Conference ballot on Saturday morning, but didn’t complete their Jurisdictional Conference ballot until late Saturday night. The laity had been dismissed earlier that evening, and the clergy could be seen throwing a Frisbee, talking to one another and watching the Carolina baseball game while waiting for election results to return. Much of the holdup was a close election between the Rev. John Culp and the Rev. Jeff Kersey. Culp prevailed.
The “Jeopardy” theme song played off and on throughout voting, adding some levity to a process that, by Day 2, had become tiring for many.
A motion made by the Rev. Willie Teague recommended that three alternates for the Jurisdictional Conference be elected for both the laity and the clergy. It was supported.
The highest number of ballots cast for clergy was 440 and for laity, 724. The lowest number cast, which came on the last ballots, was 217 by the clergy; and for the laity, 445. Candidates had to have 50 percent plus one votes to be elected.
The 2012 General Conference will be held April 24-May 4 in Tampa, Fla. The 2012 Jurisdictional Conference will be held July 18-20 at Luke Junaluska, N.C.
The delegates are as follows:
General Conference Laity Delegates
Joseph Heyward, conference lay leader
Carolyn Briscoe, Clemson UMC, Clemson
Michael Cheatham, Faith UMC, Greer; conference director of Lay Speaking Ministries
Liz Patterson, Central UMC, Spartanburg
James Salley, Edisto Fork UMC, Orangeburg
Herman Lightsey, Ashland UMC, Columbia; chairman of the conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits
Barbara Ware, Advent UMC, Simpsonville
John Redmond, Buncombe Street UMC, Greenville
David Braddon, Bethany UMC, Summerville
General Conference Clergy Delegates
Rev. Tim McClendon, Columbia District superintendent
Rev. Ken Nelson, congregational specialist for African-American churches
Rev. Tim Rogers, conference secretary and director of Clergy Services
Rev. Robin Dease, pastor of John Wesley UMC, Greenville
Rev. Sara Ann White, Rock Hill District superintendent
Rev. Katherine James, congregational specialist for the Spartanburg and Rock Hill districts
Rev. Susan Leonard-Ray, Anderson District superintendent
Rev. Stephen Taylor, pastor of Central UMC, Florence
Rev. Hayes Gainey Jr., pastor of Edisto Fork UMC, Cope
Jurisdictional Laity Delegates
Marilyn Murphy, Main Street UMC, Greenwood, and Advocate board chair
Emily Rogers, youth representative from the Charleston District, John Wesley UMC
Rubielee Addison, New Harmony UMC, Seneca
Brenda Hook, Mount Hebron UMC, West Columbia
Martha Thompson, Mount Horeb UMC, Lexington
Linda DuRant, Chapin UMC, Chapin
Skyler Nimmons, Trinity UMC, Orangeburg
Edd Cunningham, Mount Seal UMC, Kingstree
Jeanie Blankenbaker, St. Andrew-by-the-Sea UMC, Hilton Head
Jurisdictional Clergy Delegates
Rev. Megan Gray, pastor of Epworth Memorial UMC, Columbia
Rev. Telley Gadson, pastor of St. Mark UMC, Sumter
Rev. Michael Turner, pastor of Wightman UMC, Prosperity
Rev. Patricia Parrish, Charleston District superintendent
Rev. Mary Teasley, Greenwood District superintendent
Rev. John Hipp, Orangeburg District superintendent
Rev. Constance Barnes, pastor of the East Camden Charge, Camden
Rev. James Friday, Florence District superintendent
Rev. John Culp, pastor of Virginia Wingard UMC, Columbia
Jurisdictional Laity Alternates are Earline Ulmer, Ray McCoy and Jean Doscher. Jurisdictional Clergy Alternates are the Revs. Jeff Kersey, Narcie Jeter and Thomas Bowman.
On Sunday, delegates unanimously elected McClendon as the 2012 S.C. episcopal nominee.