Disaster Recovery Day of Service set for Chesterfield Sept. 21
Next month, United Methodists across South Carolina will get the chance to help people impacted by Hurricane Florence in a conference-wide Disaster Recovery Day of Service set for Sept. 21.
The South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church’s Disaster Recovery office is inviting anyone aged 14 and older, of any skill level, to gather in Chesterfield for help with Sheetrock, flooring, finishing, cabinetry and other construction repairs.
Organizers called it an opportunity to help those whose lives were turned upside down last year in the wake of Hurricane Florence.
“Jesus gave us the perfect example of service to our neighbors in the Parable of the Good Samaritan,” said Tim Whitten, disaster recovery director. “At the end of that story, he gave us the instruction to ‘go and do likewise.’ This event is just one opportunity for us to live out that commandment.
Whitten encouraged people to spread the word and come with a friend—or a full team.
“Hundreds of families need our help, so we need all of the volunteers we can get,” Whitten said. “If you can’t come yourself, please help us spread the word in your church and community.”
All kinds of help are needed, he said, whether you are adept with a hammer and saw or wouldn’t know which end of a screwdriver to pick up.
“We’ll have plenty of people on hand who know what they’re doing and are happy to help those with less experience,” Whitten said.
Crews hosted by St. Paul UMC in Chesterfield will be working from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. that day.
Volunteers are asked to register by Sept. 9 so organizers can plan appropriately. Adults must complete a background check prior to attending; details will be emailed after registering. To register, visit www.umcsc.org/disasterrecovery.