Excitement's in the air
By Jessica Connor
Scan the pages of the Advocate this month, and see if you can feel it: Excitement! Passion! Renewed vigor!
It’s like a huge gust of wind is sweeping the state, fanning the flames of Christian vitality.
Certainly, we’ve always been enthusiastic about the work we are doing for the Lord, both here in South Carolina and across the globe. We do what we do – the missions, the ministries, the evangelism – because we’re inspired by the Savior, because we owe our lives to the one who gave it all for us.
But there’s something new going on, some sort of re-energizing that has little to do with spring or Lent or the approaching Annual Conference.
In traveling from district to district covering events for this newspaper, the Advocate is getting a beautiful opportunity to witness firsthand some of the amazing things our denomination is doing for the Kingdom. Turn the pages of this month’s edition as case-in-point:
• A motorcycle ministry mobilizing in Isle of Palms
• Collecting Shoes for Haiti in the Anderson District
• Older adults gathering for spiritual growth and gearing up for a mission workday
• A conference-wide basketball tournament that raised thousands to fight malaria
• A health ministry in Abbeville
• More than 3,000 South Carolina youth coming together for Christ at Revolution
• Men congregating to explore their passions for Christian ministry
• Youth in Sumter pooling funds to buy a disabled teen an iPad
• Making pillows for peace in Aiken
• A dynamic new communications effort in the Florence District
The list goes on – and that’s just this month!
Can you feel it, too? The excitement is contagious. Here at the Advocate, we think that by spreading the good news about the many ministries South Carolina United Methodists engage in, we’re helping it go viral.
You can do your part to spread the Spirit across S.C. Tell others about the great things our people are doing, from Walterboro to Greenville and beyond. Give a friend a copy of the Advocate, or better yet, buy that friend a subscription. Share a story you see on our website (www.scadvocate-online.org) with your e-mail address book.
We’ve all got a passion for Christ. Let’s show the world what we’ve got! Lead by example, teach by example and be proud that we’re all working together to grow the Kingdom of God.