Day 3: GC legislative rejects One Church and Simple plans, passes Traditional and disaffiliation plans
By Jessica Brodie
ST. LOUIS—Delegates continue their tough work in legislative committee today, Day 3 of General Conference 2019.
The GC2019 legislative committee narrowly voted (53.04 percent) not to pass an amended One Church Plan. They did approve an amended version of the Traditional Plan, as well as two sets of legislation allowing churches to disaffiliate with The United Methodist Church (with some limitations).
Then, in the aftermath of the One Church Plan rejection, they voted in an overwhelming majority (91.98 percent) to reject en masse all remaining petitions except A Simple Plan.
South Carolina delegate the Rev. Tim Rogers made a motion before the body that the Judicial Council review the constitutionality of all amended petitions approved by the committee.
The body approved Rogers' motion for the declaratory decision.
Finally, at the close of the day after lengthy debate, the body voted to reject A Simple Plan (60.47 percent majority).
All legislation approved by committee will go before General Conference on Day 4 the 2019 special session (set for tomorrow, Feb. 26).
South Carolina delegates continue to thank fellow United Methodists back home for their ongoing prayers, which they say bolster their spirits and keep the Holy Spirit at work throughout often-contentious debate.
“Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to get within all of us delegates, volunteers and other people assisting,” said South Carolina delegate James Salley, noting he hopes to do what’s best for the UMC.
South Carolina delegate Jackie Jenkins took a moment to share her thoughts with the Advocate as the crowd expressed mixed emotions about the votes taken so far.
"While sitting in the bar designated for conference delegates reflecting on the harmony among us as we proceed with debates following each petition, I'm grateful to the S.C. Conference for the opportunity granted me to be a part of this process," Jenkins said. "My heart is sad because there are some people who will leave hurt, but I celebrate that we stand firm on the Gospel! Amen!"
Importance of prayer
We invite you to be in prayer for every delegate, especially our South Carolina delegates and alternates, as well as our resident bishop, L. Jonathan Holston. Lay delegates: Barbara Ware, James Salley, Dr. Joseph Heyward, Herman Lightsey, Jackie Jenkins, Michael Cheatham, Martha Thompson, Dr. David Braddon, and alternates Lollie Haselden and Emily Rogers Evans. Clergy delegates: Dr. Tim McClendon, the Rev. Ken Nelson, the Rev. Tim Rogers, Dr. Robin Dease, the Rev. Tiffany Knowlin, the Rev. Narcie Jeter, the Rev. Mel Arant Jr., the Rev. Susan Leonard, and alternates the Rev. Telley Gadson and the Rev. Michael Turner.
We also invite prayer for the members of our South Carolina media team: Advocate Editor Jessica Brodie and the UMCSC Communications Office Dan O’Mara (communications coordinator) and Matt Brodie (production coordinator), as well as all others from South Carolina here to serve, pray and help.
Need more background?
Read past Advocate articles covering GC2019 and the way forward, plus our overview page on the event, here:
Also, stay on top of the South Carolina conference communications office coverage of GC2019 here:
Additionally, United Methodist Communications is livestreaming proceedings at GC2019 in English, French and American Sign Language. The stream at will include all open sessions when the lawmaking assembly meets Feb. 23-26. Visual learners also can view a chart that offers an overview of four main plans under consideration:
Watch the livestream
See chart on plans heading to GC2019
More resources on GC2019