Going for the goal
Just a few weeks remain until the 2021 books close, and conference financial leaders are hopeful.
As of Dec. 15, the conference had collected 79.46 percent of its apportionments, compared to 70.9 percent this time last year, said Beth Westbury, conference treasurer.
The percentage collection goal is 90 percent of the budgeted $17.3 million for 2021, though the ideal is for 100 percent of churches in the conference to pay their apportionments.
Churches have until Friday, Jan. 14, at 4 p.m. to pay 2021 apportionments. If the church is paying electronically through Vanco, the payment must be initiated by 3 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 12, to allow time for payments in process to clear and for staff to prepare for the 2022 year. Wires can be initiated and received on the same day, so the deadline to send a wire is Jan. 14 by 2 p.m.