
New book by Rock Hill DS aims to help people become ‘A Better You’

Improvement is still possible. Years ago, Helmut Schmidt was quoted as saying, “The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.” Schmidt’s quote is timeless, as valid today as it was when it was first offered by him.
Over the years, Rock Hill District Superintendent Dr. Anthony Hodge has been motivated by Schmidt’s quote and has sought to embrace its message. As a result of embracing this message, Hodge has written a book he feels can be of some help to anyone personally seeking to improve themselves or could be used as a resource for persons who desire to see changes in the lives of those in their sphere of influence.

Titled “A Better You: Christian Life Beyond Negative Thinking,” the book releases Sept. 3. It will be available through Amazon and Goodreads.

Specifically, the book is a good resource for anyone who has been or continues to be challenged by exposure to negative behavior. Additionally, parents/guardians, local church pastors, Christian counselors, Christian therapists, 12-step group facilitators, family violence intervention group facilitators, military chaplains and prison chaplains can all benefit from having this book at their disposal.

Hodge said the book is designed to assist persons who acknowledge they are operating their lives from a negative perspective but see a need to make changes to a more positive perspective. A number of processes are offered in the book designed to assist persons seeking to have their lives transformed. The processes consist of having or resourcing persons in participating in a 12-Step program or process, interactive use of God’s word, engaging in biblical messages or sermons and by engaging case studies shared in the book with discussion questions.

If a person thoroughly works through the book, he or she will definitely be living a transformed life that is reflective in how he or she engages with others, Hodge said.

When asked what led to the writing of this book, Hodge said that after having his life transformed as a result of everything shared in the book, he wanted to share opportunities for others as well. He said he has personally benefitted from participating in Christian counseling and spiritual direction. He also had the privilege of being in a spiritual mentoring relationship with someone for more than 20 years.

As a local church pastor and military chaplain, he has assisted countless persons over the years and felt led to offer a comprehensive resource to help individuals interested in addressing aspects of negative behavior in one’s life.

“The longer I am blessed by God to live in this life, the more I realize that there are still areas I can improve upon,” Hodge said. “Therefore, I am excited about having an opportunity to share a resource that can aid anyone seeking to embrace the concept that improvement is still possible for anyone.”

He added that he fully embraces what is written in Philippians 3:12-14 (MSG).

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