Holy anticipation
By Bishop Leonard Fairley
I am not sure if there is such a thing as holy anxiety. Or is holy anticipation the right word?
Either way, these are legitimate feelings of both heart and soul when new journeys call us from one place to another.
And there is only one answer when God is the one that is calling and sending.
Therefore, like Abraham and Sarah before us, my wife, Dawn, and I prepare to join the journey with you, the people called United Methodist in South Carolina. We are excited about discovering what God-sized hopes and dreams God has placed in the hearts of God’s people in South Carolina.
We come with a deep understanding that we are a part of an unshakable kingdom that belongs not to time, but to eternity, and whose focus is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Dawn and I look forward to seeing, discovering and giving witness to the marvelous things God has already done through the amazing leadership of Bishop L. Jonathan Holston and his wife, Felecia, as they have worked alongside both clergy and laity.
We simply look forward to adding to your rich legacy as God guides us in discerning what God has gifted us to bring.
Let me start by offering these words of encouragement: “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, God will strengthen your heart” (Psalm 27:14).
In the face of whatever is yet to come, we know that in Jesus Christ it will be beautiful and life transforming, if we allow it. In God’s grace, there is an unshakable trust and courage that is always available when we walk in the light of Christ.
I pray this will be our desire to walk together as children of the light.