Hooked: One-day men’s ministry event to mobilize younger men
LEXINGTON—Looking for a way to mobilize your men’s ministry to reach the younger men in your church? The South Carolina “Younger” Men’s Ministry is planning a one-day event focused specifically on younger men.
Mount Horeb United Methodist Church is hosting an event this fall called “Hooked.” God is a fisher of men, and he will go to great lengths to catch all who are far from Him. Hooked is a fishing themed day conference that will inspire men to accept the hope of the Gospel hook, line and sinker and be willing to share it with others.
Hooked is set for Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The cost is $50.
Special speaker and fly fisherman Matthew Elrod will be sharing about God’s plan for the life of every man. Elrod is the lead pastor at Origins Greenville in Greenville. He is an avid outdoorsman and a gifted communicator.
Worship will be with Mount Horeb worship leader Alex Killman.
Lunch is provided and the conference will conclude with a session and activity on Lake Murray.
Mount Horeb UMC is located at 1205 Old Cherokee Rd., Lexington.
To register: search “Hooked” on Eventbrite or go to www.mennministrysc.org.