John Wesley UMC renovates sanctuary
Project costing $32K is one of many repairs done on Greenville’s oldest Black church
By Yvonne Simpson
GREENVILLE—The congregation of John Wesley United Methodist Church has a newly renovated sanctuary to enjoy as part of its recently completed renovation project.
Thanks to the strong support of John Wesley’s members and friends, along with generous grant support from the Greenville District Congregational Development Fund, much-needed repairs were made to the church’s exterior and interior.
The $32,000 project took several years of planning and raising capital improvement funds. It included repairing the brick work, tuck pointing the mortar on the bricks, plastering, painting and sealing on both the outside and inside the steeple.
Work also included refurbishing the windows and frames, along with repairing and painting the front and rear walls of the sanctuary.
The church was built more than 100 years ago, and as Greenville’s oldest Black congregation, it has enjoyed its share of renovations throughout its history.
“In a recent Greenville News article, a local historian referred to John Wesley as being ‘a community treasure,’” said John Wesley’s pastor, the Rev. Charlie Thomas. “Our most recent renovation project positions John Wesley to continue to be a ‘community treasure’ in downtown Greenville for many years to come.”
Simpson is office manager for John Wesley UMC, Greenville.