Love the Advocate? Celebrate Advocate Awareness Sunday at your church May 16
It’s a tool, it’s an encourager, it’s a connector and it’s helped you stay in-the-know month after month. Now it’s your turn to tell others about the ministry of the Advocate.
This spring, the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper will again hold its annual Advocate Awareness Sunday, a one-day push that helps introduce others in local churches across South Carolina to the 184-year newspaper ministry.
This year’s Advocate Awareness Sunday is May 16.
“We’re asking church members to share our video and ‘Do You Read the Advocate?’ blurb with their congregation,” said Jessica Brodie, the Advocate’s editor since 2010. “You don’t need to be a pastor to do this—just go to Facebook or our website and share.”
Pastors and church secretaries are also asked to put information about the Advocate in their eNewsletters and other church communications.
Founded as the Southern Christian Advocate, the Advocate was first commissioned by the General Conference of 1836 to be published in Charleston, one of three papers authorized by that conference. Highly respected across the denomination, it is currently the oldest newspaper in Methodism and has won 118 journalism excellence awards in the last decade.
The Advocate’s mission is to inform and connect South Carolina United Methodists by independently reporting relevant news, engaging readers, providing a forum for dialogue and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Want to help? Share the Advocate’s video and “Do You Read the Advocate?” blurb with your congregation.
Find the video, blurb and other resources here.