McClendon: ‘All welcome’ at monthly delegation meetings
By Jessica Brodie
As General Conference approaches, delegates continue to gather for monthly meetings to discuss issues and share fellowship in preparation for their time at The United Methodist Church’s quadrennial gathering.
Both General and Jurisdictional conference delegates and alternates meet roughly once a month, and Dr. Tim McClendon, their episcopal nominee, said all are welcome to attend and learn with them.
“Every meeting is an open meeting—all welcome,” McClendon said.
The delegation has four more regular meetings before the May 10-20 General Conference: Feb. 7, March 13, April 10 and May 1, all at 3 p.m. at the United Methodist Conference Center in Columbia.
“We have fellowship and team-building,” McClendon said, noting that to-date they have been getting to know each other, dialoguing about issues and discussing logistics and what to expect for first-time attendees. Unlike previous years, no general agencies have come to speak at their meetings so far; a Feb. 9 legislative event will be held in Nashville where the delegates will hear from the agencies all at once, instead.
McClendon said the delegates are striving to be as transparent about their monthly meetings as possible. They met in June, July, August and September, then resumed in January.
The Conference Center is located at 4908 Colonial Dr., Columbia.