Preparations continue for online S.C. Annual Conference June 6-7
Conference leaders are working hard to prepare for the 2021 session of Annual Conference, which will be a virtual gathering June 6-7 given ongoing COVID-19 health concerns.
With the theme “Seeking A More Excellent Way—Taking the Next Faithful Step,” this year’s Annual Conference will be held in Florence at the Florence Center, with the Florence District and Cumberland United Methodist Church as hosts. However, in-person attendance will be limited strictly to those who must be onsite to conduct the business.
Good News TV will again host the virtual gathering and coordinate participation via Zoom with voting on a separate, secure platform.
AC2021 will be live-streamed so all can observe the proceedings online.
The schedule is still being developed more fully, but Sunday, June 6, will feature the clergy session, ordination and commissioning service, recognition of retiring clergy, and an offering to help Board of Ordained Ministry Scholarships. Monday, June 7, will be the Annual Conference business session, with a memorial service that evening.
All clergy and lay members of Annual Conference are encouraged to participate in one of two virtual training sessions scheduled for 6 p.m. June 1 and 9 a.m. June 7.
More information about voting and participating in this virtual forum will be shared as it becomes final at umcsc.org/ac2021.