S.C. churches get creative in efforts to fight malaria
Across South Carolina, congregants, churches and districts are doing a host of things to help save lives through Imagine No Malaria:
- Trenton United Methodist Church, Greenwood—Five children led the congregation in learning about malaria and the UMC work through INM to end deaths from malaria. They challenged the congregation to collect quarters and raised $325 in quarters to give to INM.
- Cayce UMC, Cayce—Children are hosting a “Skeeter Stamper” walk to raise awareness and funds for INM, and the children also made a video to educate the congregation and community about malaria and how they can help them “stamp out” malaria.
- Epworth Children’s Home Memorial Chapel, Columbia—Members participated in a prayer walk to pray for INM and the victims of malaria during Lent, and in conjunction with the Lenten prayer walk, they have also collected coins throughout Lent.
- Parnassus UMC, Blenheim—This church is using every Sunday in Lent to educate their congregation on malaria, and the church sent home portable banks the first Sunday of Lent with instructions to fill up the bank throughout Lent and bring it back on Easter Sunday to give to INM.
- Sharon UMC, Greer—The Rev. Bryson Williams challenged his church during Advent to give 25 percent of the money they spent on presents to INM, raising more than $12,000 for INM.
- Trinity UMC, Darlington—Members made INM ornaments and sold each ornament for $5 during Advent to raise awareness and funds for INM.
- Clemson UMC, Clemson—The church hosted a variety show that raised more than $3,000, and during Lent they had a “Coffee Cup Challenge,” encouraging each member to give up one cup of coffee each week and give the money they would have spent on the cup of coffee to INM.
- Trinity UMC, Anderson—The church is using a Lenten Prayer Calendar to guide them in prayer and giving for those suffering from malaria.
- North Charleston UMC, North Charleston—The church set up a booth at its community St. Patrick’s Day and raised more than $750 for INM by selling snow cones, popcorn and bottled water. The church also dedicated the season of Advent to INM, as well as one of their May Saturday night concert series performances.
- Bethesda UMC, Easley—This church used the season of Advent to educate their congregation about INM and took up an offering during Lent for INM. Two of their middle school girls also designed an INM T-shirt that encouraged their congregations to give up a latte to save a life.
- First UMC, Laurens—The church is hosting a 5K race April 30 to raise awareness and funds for INM.
- Heyward Street UMC, Columbia—Members are hosting a Mad Hatter’s Tea on April 24 to educate the church and community about malaria and to raise support for INM.
- The Clemson and Winthrop Wesley Foundations encouraged their students to each give $10 to INM, saving that money up during Lent.
- Simpsonville UMC, Simpsonville—The church had a chili cook-off where they had more than 20 varieties of chili, raising more than $2,000 for INM.
- Shandon UMC, Shandon—The church has hosted concerts to benefit INM, and during Lent, they challenged their children’s Sunday school classes to bring in change for INM.
- Washington Street UMC, Columbia, and St James UMC, Spartanburg—Both churches dedicated their vacation Bible schools immediately following Annual Conference 2015 to INM. The children learned about malaria and raised money to stop deaths from malaria.
- Trinity UMC, Darlington, and Trinity UMC, Myrtle Beach—Youth from these churches participated in the “More Than Nets” Fashion Show at Revolution, designing dresses made of tulle and using other materials, colors and accessories to teach about malaria through their fashion design. The offering through Revolution brought in more than $4,000 for INM.
- The Hartsville District hosted a supper prepared by celebrity chef Dr. Robin Dease, Hartsville District superintendent, raising funds through that dinner.
- The Greenwood District hosted a Valentine’s Day Dinner with a meal and a “Newlywed and Not So Newlywed” game show and raised more than $1,200.
- Greenville and Walterboro Districts took up an offering at their Bishop’s Barbecue Bash, raising more than $8,000 for INM.
- The Rev. Meg Cook put her puppeting skills to work to raise awareness about the healing and hopeful work of INM. You can find her puppet shows at www.inm.umcsc.org.
- Wesley UMC, Hartsville—Olive, 6-year old member of the church, crushes cans and bakes morning goodies to sell during the Sunday school hour, giving all proceeds from both to INM.
“These examples showcase the awesome, creative efforts of our churches to tell the story of Imagine No Malaria’s world-changing work by various outreach efforts within and outside the church,” said Imagine No Malaria Field Coordinator the Rev. Jeri Katherine Sipes.
Share your stories and pictures with Sipes ([email protected]); Director of Communications, Matt Brodie ([email protected]); and the Advocate ([email protected]).
S.C. restaurants needed for ‘Eat Out for World Malaria Day’
The South Carolina Annual Conference is hosting a statewide “Eat Out” on Monday, April 25, for World Malaria Day, where a portion of participating restaurant proceeds will go to Imagine No Malaria, and help is needed to line up participating local restaurants.
“We need your help in recruiting restaurants in your community to participate,” said Imagine No Malaria Field Coordinator the Rev. Jeri Katherine Sipes.
Restaurants should sign up on www.inm.umcsc.org and agree to dedicate a portion of their proceeds on April 25 to INM.
“All you have to do is show, tell and ask: show how malaria is a worldwide problem needlessly claiming the lives of too many people; tell them about the lifesaving work the UMC is doing to end deaths from malaria through INM; and ask them to join our life-saving, world-changing work by participating in the World Malaria Day Eat Out on April 25,” Sipes said.
The conference will get promotional materials to them to advertise in their restaurant, plus encourage the 230,000 United Methodists in churches across South Carolina to eat at their restaurant on April 25. They will receive a tax credit for their charitable donation.
“It’s a win-win-win for everyone,” Sipes said. “This is an awesome opportunity for churches to engage their communities and tell the wonderful story of God's work through our church in ending deaths from malaria.