S.C. Hunger Project
United Methodists to join forces June 11 for one-day meal packing/food drive event
By Jessica Connor
The S.C. Conference is calling on every United Methodist in the state to do his or her part to fight hunger.
It's all happening June 11 in a one-day meal packing/food drive event during Annual Conference in Florence. Those who cannot travel to Florence to participate are being asked to hold a hunger ministry event in their own local church that day.
There are three ways people can participate June 11:
1) Participate in the Stop Hunger Now meal-packaging event that day at the Florence Civic Center. The packing will happen during the business of annual conference, so 1,000 non-delegate volunteers are needed to pack meals during three shifts. Adults are asked to come the first or second shifts (8-10:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.). Youth will pack during the third shift (2-4:30 p.m.), then have a pizza party after, followed by a youth-oriented worship service that night with a special band and speaker. The conference needs to raise $72,000 for the event, with half raised by May 1. Funds raised beyond the $72,000 will go to local hunger ministries throughout the state.
2) Bring non-perishable items that day for an Annual Conference Food Drive. Every attendee is encouraged to bring canned goods and other non-perishables to the civic center. The items will be distributed to food pantries throughout S.C., not just in Florence.
3) Those churches and people who cannot participate in the Florence meal-packing or food drive are asked to hold their own local hunger ministry event that day “ anything from a food drive to a free meal and more.
The conference hopes the combined June 11 effort will put a dent in the hunger problem, as well as encourage people to continue compassionate giving toward the hungry.
I think it s really inspiring to see as a conference that we re banding together to fight hunger wherever we find it, said Matt Brodie, conference communications director. Taking on multiple aspects of hunger can seem like a challenge, but when you look at how many United Methodists and United Methodist churches we have throughout the state, it s not an insurmountable goal.
Those churches that are not participating in Florence but through local hunger events are being asked to email photos that day to [email protected]. The photos will be shared at annual conference later that day.
We have to dream big to accomplish big, Brodie said. I find it really impressive that as a conference we can step up and do something that will have a big impact on people s lives.
To sign up or for more information, visit www.umcsc.org.
For questions, contact Brodie at 803-786-9486, ext. 265, or [email protected].