Conference continues Safe Sanctuaries trainings in May
This month, training sessions will continue in districts across the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church to help local congregation better understand and live out their Safe Sanctuaries policies.
Each district will host “Safe Sanctuaries Best Practices,” an opportunity for local churches to have their policies evaluated to ensure they align with our commitment to make United Methodist congregations safe places to live out God’s call.
Recommended attendees for district trainings are pastors (who will receive Clergy Services credit), trustees, Staff-Parish Relations Committee members, children and youth coordinators, church council chairpersons and lay leaders.
Once district training is completed, specially trained Safe Sanctuaries experts will be available to come to a church to help train all persons who work with children, youth and vulnerable adults, as well as church council, staff-parish, trustees and other members.
District trainings were held in April in the Orangeburg District, Charleston District and Greenwood. The Greenville District will have theirs April 30 from 2-5 p.m. at St. Matthew UMC, Greenville.
May trainings are as follows: May 6, Rock Hill District, 9 a.m.-noon, location to be determined; May 7, Columbia District, 2-5 p.m., Lexington UMC, Lexington; May 13, Walterboro District, 9 a.m.-noon location to be determined; May 20, Charleston District, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. via Zoom conference call; and May 21, Spartanburg District, 2-5 p.m., Silver Hill UMC, Spartanburg. The Anderson District plans to hold their training Aug. 20 from 2-5 p.m. at First UMC, Easley.
For the latest district training schedule, go to https://www.umcsc.org/safe