The hope of a Christian
By Jessica Connor
As we go to press on the April edition, Christians across the globe are preparing for the biggest celebration of the Church: the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We speak the words Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again in full confidence that we are saved from the depths of hell by the ultimate sacrifice. Our Jesus died on the cross for us, and one day, we will join Him in heaven with our Father God.
This joyful news we know in spite of the pain we humans endure on a daily basis. As the Advocate goes to press, the world is still reeling from the awful devastation in Japan: First through an earthquake, then a tsunami, then a Level 5 nuclear crisis “ just two points down from Chernobyl. This comes as war-torn nations slaughter their own people, and the gap widens further between the haves and the have-nots as children slowly starve to death in Africa and beyond.
Here in America, we have people sleeping on the streets, battling drug abuse and struggling with chronic illness because they cannot afford to pay for their medicine. Daily, we learn of children who are abused and tortured, women who are raped and beaten, men who kill other men because they ve been disrespected.
Despite what we re spoon-fed by Hollywood and sitcoms, we don t all get to live in suburban, single-family homes with an abundance of food, clothing and electronics that we take for granted. Life isn t easy for everyone. It s hard, and it s tough even to find the will to survive.
Many of us in this nation continue to be that pampered American, taking the good life for granted and never imagining it s all a façade that can be taken from us any day. Any moment, we could get hit by a bus, walk into the line of fire, hear the dreaded words from a doctor, It s terminal.
It s difficult to stay positive when we experience death and devastation “ even for Christians, who know this life is but a temporary stop before an eternity in the Kingdom.
As we prepare to celebrate Easter and relish in the hope beyond the grave in the risen Christ, I hope we will all pray for anyone who doesn t have that hope. For them “ survivors of violence, disease or natural disaster “ their whole world has been taken away, and if they don t know Christ, they don t know the best is yet to come in heaven.
This Easter, share the Good News with someone. Because when it s all said and done, when all the walls have fallen and the dust has settled, it all comes down to God. Everyone deserves to know the hope of a Christian.
Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. (Matthew 28:5-6)