Think Outside the Box
Rock Hill event helps churches converse, connect and collaborate
Photos by Jerry Newlon, a member of the Rock Hill District Connectional Ministry Team
ROCK HILL—The Rock Hill District hosted an event called “Think Outside the Box-C3 Workshops (Converse, Connect and Collaborate)” on April 15 at Mount Holly United Methodist Church.
“I C-You, You C-Me and One More will Make C-3” was the theme for the opening message delivered by Dr. Anthony Hodge.
The district event was planned by the District Connectional Ministries team led by Monica Tilley, convener.
At the outset of his message, Hodge thanked the church’s pastor, the Rev. Wayne Smith, and each member of the District Connectional Ministries team as well everyone else for participating in the event, which proved to be extremely successful.
During Hodge’s message, he referenced a quote from a fellow naval officer, Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Hopper. Admiral Hopper said, “The most dangerous phrase in the English language is, ‘We have always done it this way.’”
Hodge said this quote is in contrast to the purpose of Think Outside the Box-C3 Workshops (Converse, Connect and Collaborate).
Chris Lynch, the district’s congregational specialist, shared that the event was planned as a result of hearing from members of congregations throughout the Rock Hill District where town hall meetings were held in the spring of 2022. He said the C3 event created an opportunity for lay and clergy from across the district to converse around topics of interest.
“We are convinced as a team that the potential exists to build great momentum in our district as churches and ministries collaborate to make an impact in our community,” Lynch said, noting the event became a catalyst for such an impact.
One example that helped to build momentum involved Marcia Williams, of Wesley UMC in York. Williams helps facilitate Wesley’s Jeffrey and Minnie Williams Reading Program, which attempts to help children who are not reading on their grade level and underperforming in school. Williams was able to connect with an organization called PATH that is near Wesley. PATH is a crisis assistance center in York that supplies food, financial help for utilities and rent, prescription help, school supplies, new clothes and shoes for children and programs and referrals to social services agencies to help people overcome the crisis situation they are in.
As a result of this newfound connection, the families who are benefitting from the reading program offered at Wesley UMC can now receive additional assistance though PATH.
In addition to the opportunities for participants to Converse, Connect and Collaborate, a number of workshops were offered, including Children’s Ministry Ideas, Young Adult Ministry, Social Media Basics and Digital Discipleship.
Bob James, district lay leader, said the workshop facilitators did a great job.
Crystal Barrs, who represents United Women in Faith, and Lynne Tyner, who represents Lay Servant Ministries on the Connectional Ministries team, also expressed their appreciation.
They said they hope to help facilitate additional events in the future.