
What's happening today (Tuesday, June 11) at Annual Conference?

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By Jessica Brodie

Tuesday is slated to bring what some consider the most significant and dramatic action of this year’s Annual Conference, as a slate of as-yet-unknown churches will go before the body for a vote on separation from The United Methodist Church. 

That action is slated for the afternoon, during the Report of the Conference Board of Trustees.

The trustees have kept both the names and number of the separating churches confidential. All of the churches complied with the conference’s separation process earlier this year, in accordance with the 2016 Book of Discipline of the UMC, ultimately voting to leave the denomination.

Before this, however, the day will bring a packed schedule of events, worship and business. 

After a morning Praise & Prayer led by newly ordained elder Dr. Martin Luther Quick, Tuesday’s business kicks off with a number of reports, including the reports of the Commission on Equitable Compensation, the Board of Pension & Health Benefits and Connectional Ministries. 

The General Conference Delegation, led by Jackie Jenkins and the Rev. Kenneth Nelson, are slated to give their report on what happened at the long-postponed event, which was the first full General Conference held since 2016. 

Elections are next, with the body voting on the slate of those nominated for conference-related institutions, Wesley Foundations and fellowships, district quadrennial positions, district boards and committees, non-quadrennial boards and quadrennial agencies, as well as those to be considered for the Jurisdictional Pool. 

The body will also get the chance to officially meet and welcome the new president of Claflin University, Dr. Dwaun J. Warmack, as well as the new president of Columbia College, Dr. John H. Dozier.

After a lunch recess, the afternoon session is scheduled to start with a report from the conference chancellor, Kay Crowe, before the Report of the Conference Board of Trustees.

Before delivering their report, trustees are to provide to Annual Conference members the names of separating local churches upon whom they will be voting. 

Over the past year, these congregations took part in the conference’s Local Church Discernment Process, which provides a way for church members to pray, discern and then hold a churchwide vote about whether they want to leave the UMC. They also had to satisfy financial obligations, including all unpaid apportionment giving and unpaid salary and benefits due to clergy, and satisfy or transfer debts and other liabilities. 

After this, the body is scheduled to receive a report from the Ministry Advisory Team before the 5 p.m. Service of Thanksgiving and Memory.

Dr. Sandra Stevens Poirel, Charleston District superintendent, will preach the memorial service, which remembers 61 clergy, clergy spouses and others who passed away over the last year. 

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is the final day of Annual Conference. In addition to the passage of the budget put forth from the Council on Finance and Administration, the body will finalize the rest of the business of Annual Conference, as well as fix the appointments of ministers for the coming year. 

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