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Such hope

Advocate Editor Jessica Brodie on a recent mentoring experience that reminded her beyond a shadow of a doubt what our church is meant to do on behalf of our savior, Jesus—not argue with fellow believers about sexuality or other issues, but instead to powerfully and earnestly make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.


God is on the move in South Carolina

In the aftermath of General Conference, Editor Jessica Brodie reflects on how no matter what we sinful and imperfect human beings get wrong, God is on the move in spite of and perhaps because of us, shining through us in big ways and small.


No one wins

Editor Jessica Brodie on how—despite how many are hearing rejection in the aftermath of General Conference—we should all work to send a different message and narrative: one of God’s love and unity.


Dead to self, alive in Christ

Editor Jessica Brodie on being alive in Christ and how in accepting Jesus as our savior we have the freedom to let all the unworthy aspects of ourselves go—fully and completely.


A holy circle

When I was a kid, preparing for Christmas involved a whole lot of me, myself and I—what I wanted to receive for Christmas, where my family was going to celebrate Christmas, you get the picture.But now, I’ve come to realize that a focus on Advent—the four weeks when we prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of Christ—is what I was always missing in the holiday. By Jessica Brodie.


Shining a light on mental illness

By Jessica Brodie. Mental illness runs in my family. Like some families have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, my family members sometimes struggle with chemical imbalances in the brain.


Thanks for the bad

Editor Jessica Brodie on how bad times (even those facing the UMC as a whole) help us draw closer to God and develop a more Christ-like attitude—humility, faith, and trust in God’s will (“thy will be done”). They teach us things we wouldn’t know otherwise. They help us become patient. They can later help us to comfort others. And when we thank God for these situations, even when it feels ridiculous to do so, we’re acknowledging His sovereignty, His dominion and His power.


Our Methodist family

Editor Jessica Brodie on how—when we take a step away from our own clique, our own church, our own circle of friends and family, and we begin to look around at others who are also Christian—we realize our family is nothing like us at all on the surface except where it counts: in matters of faith.


What I love best about the UMC

By Jessica Brodie. The concept of the United Methodist “connection” has been central to this denomination from the beginning, stemming from our founder John Wesley and the “connexion” he encouraged to help us stay accountable and in touch. After all, as I’ve heard former Columbia District Superintendent Dr. Tim McClendon say a dozen times, “Together we can do more.” And it’s true! Together as God’s body, we the people of Jesus are a powerful army of the Lord. When we put our hearts and minds and dollars and prayers together in His name, nothing can stop us.

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