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Our journey together continues

In times of change, such as this year of pandemic that we have experienced, what if we were to offer new questions rather than searching for a new “right” answer. Changing the conversation can move us toward a different way of thinking about our future possibilities. By Bishop Jonathan Holston.


Beyond the fear

Fear can create hate and division and cause racism to fester like a septic wound. Fear can make people say “yes” to everyone and everything in their world until that “yes” leaves them exhausted, worn down and empty. Fear can cause us to give up on life, on people, on the beautiful tomorrow promised to us by God. By Jessica Brodie.


The gathering of God’s people

As this edition of the Advocate arrives, the 2021 session of the South Carolina Annual Conference will be starting. On June 6 and 7, we will gather virtually for a time of giving thanks to almighty God and celebrating the ways in which we have been seeking and fulfilling God’s purpose for the church. By Bishop Jonathan Holston.


The question is

By Bishop L. Jonathan Holston. Walking with Bishop Knox into the town of Alajuela, I asked him his expectations of clergy. He responded, “To be on the cutting edge of ministry, making a difference for the sake of Christ.”


Simple blessings

Jesus’ call for us not to worry about the future is a bold claim. The good news of the Gospel is just that—GOOD news. So when Jesus tells us not to worry, he is not leaving us high and dry. Jesus is calling us to put our trust in him. To trust that he will provide for our every need—the big stuff and the little stuff. All of it. By Bishop Jonathan Holston.


It’s time to stop

It’s time to stop ignoring or disregarding views not in line with our own, writing them off as if they belong to “them” or “those people.”  We are all the body of Christ, and words can hurt. By Jessica Brodie.


In every situation

Even now—especially now—we have the opportunity to be for someone the Gospel that they may never otherwise hear. By Bishop L. Jonathan Holston.


Christ will make a way

Christ will make a way where no one else can. I hope you will join me in continued prayer for our nation, our culture and our world as a whole to turn to God as our “guiding star.” A reflection by Advocate Editor Jessica Brodie.


In these moments

So many of us experienced something of an adrenaline rush that propelled us through the challenges of 2020. As we deal with the ongoing pandemic, many people are feeling more foggy and fatigued. The adrenaline rush has waned, so how do we amass the energy necessary to sustain us through the final stretch of this season? By Bishop L. Jonathan Holston.

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