All about AC2019: The Tuesday edition of the Daily Advocate
The Tuesday, June 4, edition of the 2019 Daily Advocate is now online.
Download it now, here.
The Daily Advocate is a joint publication of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper and the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, bringing readers a daily overview of what happens each day at Annual Conference, from worship highlights to resolutions and other business. Editions of the Daily Advocate are produced for each morning of the event. The editions will be made available in hard copy format to attendees every morning in the convention center. They will also be posted on this page each evening prior.
DOWNLOAD your copy:
>>The Tuesday, June 4, 2019, Daily Advocate
>>The Monday, June 3, 2019, Daily Advocate

The July edition of the Advocate, which goes to press on June 7, 2019, one day after Annual Conference ends, is also a hugely helpful resource for you and our church. It contains full information about everything that happened at the event. Subscribe to the Advocate now to be sure you receive it—click here. It comes out once a month and is delivered to your home or office.