New book launches for trauma and sex abuse survivors
By Jessica Brodie
A new book to support survivors of trauma and sexual abuse has launched.
Authored by a United Methodist connected with South Carolina, Tambry Harris, the book is called “Awakening the Light: A Survivors to Thrivers Going-Forward Story.”
Dr. Anthony Hodge, district superintendent for the South Carolina Conference’s Rock Hill District, served as a faith panelist for her book launch event Nov 18. Harris, who lives outside Charlotte, served as one of the persons who assisted him in becoming a certified spiritual director.
“The subject she is addressing has occurred in the lives of God's people more times than we might want to acknowledge. In my opinion, it could serve as one of the ways trauma is addressed in the lives of those who have been adversely affected,” Hodge said.
The book aims to bring hope and healing to survivors of trauma and sexual abuse, as well as bring a holistic approach to healing including mind, body and spirit, and shine awareness into how therapy, medical and faith communities can use this resource for the people they serve.
Kirkus Review says the book is “for survivors who feel ‘stuck’ and want to start thriving. Rather than seeing life as a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, readers are invited by Harris to view their journeys as mosaics ‘where each piece has richness and texture on its own.’”
The book is available on Amazon and via other book retailers.