Now available: New mental health compilation from the Advocate Press
Mental illness statistics are alarming, and the National Institute on Mental Health estimates more than one in five U.S. adults were living with a mental illness in 2021—that’s nearly 58 million people.
According to the National Institutes of Health, globally, nearly 15 percent of young people ages 10 to 19 experience a mental health disorder. Numbers are even worse since the COVID-19 pandemic, and many say we are facing an unprecedented mental health crisis. The suicide rate is climbing, and availability of counselors, psychiatric care, and other resources is in woefully short supply. Many insurance plans don’t even cover mental health care.
But there is one bright spot: More people are becoming increasingly vocal about mental and emotional health.
The Advocate Press is hoping to help with that. This month, the Advocate Press has released a new book, Darkness to Light: Finding Jesus in the Valley of Mental Illness.
Compiled and edited by Advocate Editor Jessica Brodie, the book is a collection of personal stories that offer a look at the mental health journeys of a number of people, sharing in many cases how faith played a major role in their healing journey.
“Whether you are struggling with your own mental and emotional health or you are supporting someone who is, I hope these stories offer hope and inspiration in what can be a dark, dark world,” Brodie said about the book. “Together, we can journey from darkness to light … the light of Christ.”
Stories by:
Kelly Black
Bill Barnier
David Bryant
Avery Connor
Penelope Wesley
The Rev. John Jordan
The Rev. John Culp
The Rev. Sheera Yates
Linda Kidd
The Rev. Elizabeth Sullivan
Erica Whitt
The Rev. Jamie McDowell
The Rev. Charles Wilbanks
The Advocate Press is the publishing arm of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper. Launched in late 2017, the Advocate Press has a mission to produce books of interest to South Carolina United Methodists on matters of faith and to amplify regional voices and those that advocate for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
With this newest book, the Advocate Press is excited to offer 20 titles.
Purchase Darkness to Light on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Darkness-Light-Finding-Valley-Illness/dp/B0CJKTT4KW or on the Advocate's website at https://advocatesc.org/store/books/darkness-to-light