
Marion men gather Sept. 30 to ‘Grow in the Spirit’

The Marion District men held a districtwide meeting Sept. 30 at Surfside United Methodist Church.

The theme for the day was “Growing in the Spirit,” and 46 people attended.

The day started with music by Michael Geiger and Robert Blair with the church band “Revolution.”

Speakers led on a variety of topics: Prayer by the Rev. George Donigian (retired); Faith, by Lay Speaker Napoleon Smalls of The Brook UMC; Bible Study by the Rev. Joel Makin of First UMC, Myrtle Beach; Fruit of the Spirit by Lay Speaker Mike Carle, Belin Memorial UMC, Murrells Inlet; Christian Fellowship by the Rev. Charles Wilbanks, Herbert Memorial UMC, Georgetown; and Spiritual Gifts by Lay Speaker Bruce Reese, Surfside UMC.

Each speaker was asked to focus not only on information about the topic but also how to grow in the Spirit in that area.

“This was a very well-delivered event, as each speaker challenged everyone to think deeper, study more and grow closer to God,” said Kenny Bingham of United Methodist Men.

The final speaker of the day was District Superintendent the Rev. Steve Brown.

“He did a masterful job of bringing all these topics together to help each and every one there grow in the spirit in our daily lives,” Bingham said. “Thanks to the many men who helped plan our event, with several district churches involved and our own Surfside UMC men.”

He also lifted thanks to South Carolina Conference Bishop L. Jonathan Holston for his words of encouragement, Conference UMM President Marvin Horton, National Conference of UMM Presidents President Herman Lightsey for attending and the Revs. Mary Teasley and Tae Park of Surfside UMC.

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