UMVIM-SEJ confirms all churches can partner in mission and use UMVIM resources
The Southeast Jurisdiction of United Methodist Volunteers in Mission, an agency of The United Methodist Church, recently announced that all churches—even those who have chosen to disaffiliate—can still be part of UMVIM and utilize UMVIM resources.
In a statement, the Rev. Matt Lacey, executive director of UMVIM-SEJ, said, “As many Annual Conferences look to the close of 2023, many churches have decided or taken steps to disaffiliate and leave the United Methodist Church. Though United Methodist Volunteers in Mission remains an agency of the United Methodist Church, we are also committed to showing God’s love through volunteers, regardless of denominational affiliation.”
Lacey said that over the last several months, some churches who chose to disaffiliate have called and emailed asking if they could still register for mission team insurance.
Lacey said, “As long as churches agree to UMVIM’s best practices and the spirit of mutuality in mission, volunteer mission teams are welcome to continue to utilize UMVIM’s resources, including insurance, team leader training and the team leader handbook.”
Anyone with questions about how a church can engage with UMVIM-SEJ can reach out to Lacey at 205-453-9480 or [email protected].