By Jessica Brodie
There I was, at the United Methodist Men’s spiritual retreat, surrounded by literally hundreds of men who were committing themselves to Christ, some for the very first time.
I saw grown men with tears running down their cheeks, grown men laying on the floor or with their heads in their hands, ashamed that it had taken them this long to make that leap, excited about what was ahead of them.
And it blew my mind. I found myself crying right along with them—so moved by their passion and vigor that it made me fall in love with God all over again.
It’s is the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see to witness a person surrender all he is to the Lord—and mean it so deep in his core that you can actually feel the enthusiasm all over him. They seem to glow with the Spirit, and it’s no act.
A friend at church once said that when God’s Holy Spirit is present you can smell it—the most gorgeous fragrance in the universe, like home and perfection and infinity all rolled into one.
I’ve heard it described as a “buzzing sensation,” a warm, toasty vibration. A humming, or a golden-white light shimmering all around.
You can’t hide the Spirit. It’s evident, undeniable.
And it was certainly there at the Men in Ministry retreat in February, on the faces and in the hearts of hundreds and hundreds of men who literally put their skin in the game for Christ.
Praise God!
If you haven’t heard about the massive revitalization of the United Methodist Men in this conference, check out the article here from this edition. The men are caught up in a valiant effort to rebrand, reignite and revision an all-out crusade to get men back in church, hosting a spiritual retreat five times the size it was two years ago and launching teaching events, “Bishop’s 100 Mighty Men of Faith” campaigns and more in their zeal.
The United Methodist Women are raring to go as well, with renewed fervor for advocacy and spiritual growth that mirrors the passion of their brothers (see article, here).
Something amazing is happening, friends, and South Carolina is only seeing the tip of the iceberg.
I urge you to get on board with this new wave of passion for Christ. Men, go to the “100 Mighty Men” event this month. Women, make plans to “come together, be together” with your sisters in May. There’s something for everybody, and I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do here!