Advocate Press releases books by Suzan Phillips, Dr. Kim Strong
Two more books have been released this month, adding to the growing collection of Advocate Press publications.
“Seriously Seeking God: A Four-Week Study on Contemplating the Parables,” by Suzan Phillips, and “Laughing All the Way to Heaven,” by United Methodist elder Dr. Kim Strong, are the latest titles.
The Advocate Press is the publishing arm of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate, with a mission to produce books of interest to South Carolina United Methodists on matters of faith and to amplify regional voices and those that advocate for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
In “Seriously Seeking God,” theologian, poet and former English professor Phillips takes readers deep into the parables in order to hear what new thing Jesus is saying through the parables of the sower, the wedding banquet, the tenants and the lost (prodigal) son. Readers spend a week on an individual parable, listening to it and wrestling with it.
Phillips is the wife of United Methodist elder the Rev. Charles Phillips, who is appointed to First United Methodist Church on the Isle of Palms.
In “Laughing All the Way to Heaven,” Strong offers a book filled with humorous stories from the longtime pastor’s life, from his first years finding his footing in a small rural church setting to his retirement years, often spent on his Harley-Davidson with, as he puts it, “his gray hair flowing in the wind and bugs bouncing off his teeth.” Interspersed with the humor are tales of love amid loss, of joy amid grief and of hope amid disaster.
As Strong notes, “Job wrote that ‘God will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.’ If Job could find something to laugh about, surely we can find some humor in our own situations in life.”
All Advocate Press books are available at https://advocatesc.org/books. “Seriously Seeking God” is available as a paperback or ebook at https://advocatesc.org/store/books/seriously-seeking-god or on Amazon. “Laughing All the Way to Heaven” is available as a paperback or ebook at https://advocatesc.org/store/books/laughing or on Amazon.