Summit on the Black Church to promote global wellness
COLUMBIA—Registration continues for Summit on the Black Church 2016, “Global is Personal: A Passport to World Health.”
Set for Oct. 13-15 at the DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton, the event, which is sponsored by the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, will feature United Methodist Bishop Linda Lee, bishop-in-residence at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, as keynote speaker.
This year’s summit will focus on global health issues facing the church and its people.
“Diabetes, malaria, mental health, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, obesity, stroke, cancer and violence against women and children are some of the chronic conditions that affect many of our parishioners and persons in the communities where we minister,” summit leaders said. Plenary leaders will challenge participants to focus on chronic conditions that affect the life of the church and its communities. Chronic conditions will be examined on three levels: local, national and global.
Other speakers will include Bishop Jonathan L. Holston, resident bishop of the South Carolina Annual Conference; Dr. Angela Coswer, assistant professor of sociology and religion, Garrett-Theological Seminary; Dr. Joseph Daniels, district superintendent of the Greater Washington District, Baltimore Conference and lead pastor at Emory UMC; Dr. Daniel Hembree, pastor of Bluff Road UMC; the Rev. Jeanette Jordan, former national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association; Dr. Caroline W. Njuki, former employee for General Board of Global Ministries with extensive work in global health; and Dr. Paula Dobbs-Wiggins, adjunct professor in the practice of pastoral care, Perkins School of Theology.
Lay persons will enhance their understanding of the urgency to help clergy live well in all aspects of life and how optimal health can be achieved through mutual support of one another.
The Summit on the Black Church will help laypersons and clergy find ways to help parishioners and communities lead healthier, safer, and longer lives.
Holston will speak at a special luncheon set for Friday, Oct. 14, from 12:15-1:45 p.m., “Creating Healthy Spaces for Worship.”
Summit to support Innersole through youth shoe collection
Also, this year’s Summit on the Black Church will feature a unique way to help people in need: a shoe collection for Innersole.
Innersole is a nonprofit organization founded by coach Dawn Staley of the Lady Gamecocks to provide new shoes for children who are homeless or in need.
Youth who bring a pair of new shoes to the Summit on the Black Church (Oct. 13-15) receive free registration to the event. Youth must register before Oct. 1.
The shoes must be new, still in the box and should not be of any big-name labels or brands. They must be sized to fit children in grades two to six.
There is an entire agenda planned for the attending youth on Saturday at the Summit. Youth will get an opportunity to worship, fellowship, serve and learn, as well as enjoy comedian Mike Goodwin and Christian Rap Artist Lil Zing.
For more information: www.umcsc.org.
Cost for the Summit on the Black Church is $125; the luncheon featuring Holston is an extra $20. To register: www.umcsc.org.