More Like Jesus: A Devotional Journey—Forty Days of Self-Reflection as We Strive to Be Followers of Christ
Jesus’s words and actions in the years He spent on earth spell out critically important things. Foremost is that God is our utmost priority, and everything we are, do, and have is because of Him and from Him. But the second priority is to love others—and Jesus showed we can do that in a number of key ways. Love transcends emotion. Love is a verb. And loving others is how we can demonstrate our love for God. In this 40-day devotional, written by author and award-winning journalist Jessica Brodie (editor of the Advocate), Jesus’s words and actions in Scripture are teamed with articles that have appeared in the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate over the years, showcasing what it looks like to be a real-life, modern-day Christ-follower. (2018)